#21 SOTO (tetelan) SAPI.
You can have #21 SOTO (tetelan) SAPI using 19 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you achieve it.
Ingredients of #21 SOTO (tetelan) SAPI
- Prepare 1/4 kg of Tetelan (rebus).
- Prepare of Garam gula penyedap.
- Prepare of BUMBU:.
- You need 2 SDM of PASTA bawang merah putih (lihat resep).
- Prepare 1 sdt of Bubuk ngohiong (me: homemade) (lihat resep).
- Prepare 1/2 sdt of Lada bubuk.
- You need 1/4 sdt of Jinten.
- You need 5 of Kapulaga.
- It's 1 of Serai geprek.
- It's 1 ruas of Jahe GEPREK.
- It's 2 of Daun jeruk.
- You need 2 of Daun salam.
- You need of 🥘 Pelengkap.
- Prepare of Taoge rebus.
- Prepare of Daun seledri/bawang.
- It's of Bawang goreng.
- It's of Tempe goreng.
- It's of Kerupuk.
- You need of Sambal (cabe rebus di haluskan).
#21 SOTO (tetelan) SAPI step by step
- Siapkan bahan.
- Tumis bumbu hingga harum.
- Beri air, masukkan tetelan rebus. Masak hingga mendidih.
- Beri garam penyedap, cek rasa matangkan..
- Sajikan dengan pelengkapnya.
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